I love Macaroni and Cheese! Who doesn't?!!?
I prefer to make mine instead of the box kind. It's so simple and so good.
This is another thing that I make that you can freeze for a week or so.
1 16oz box Velveta Cheese
1 12oz package Elbow noodles. I use Skinner brand. I eat whole grain pasta but haven't tried it with this, yet.
Very small amt of Milk
2 tablespoons of butter
Pot to cook in- http://www.target.com/p/ rachael-ray-stainless-steel- covered-stockport-orange- handle-4-qt/-/A-13691068# prodSlot=medium_1_12&term=pot
This is about the size of my ancient-can't- find-online- pot.
Here is how I prepare it:
1) Boil noodles on the stove for about 10 to 12 minutes. Make sure you don't overcook them. Soggy Macaroni just isn't right. Add a little butter when they start to boil. Helps keep the noodles from sticking together.
Stir every few minutes.
Tip- http://tglowv.hubpages.com/ hub/How-to-Keep-a-Pot-from- Boiling-Over-Pinterest- Possibilities-3 I don't ever seem to have this problem, but if you do- there you go!
2) In another saucepan- Pour just enough milk to almost cover the bottom and a tablespoon of butter. Too much milk can make this soggy. Again, with the soggy noddle's-gross.
3) Cut up your Velveta into small chunks and add into the saucepan
You need to stir often and cook on a low setting… even a "2" on my gas oven can cause this to burn quickly.
4) Drain your macaroni noodles when they are done. Remember, do not overcook them!
5) When your cheese sauce is almost completely melted, mix the noodles in. Mix together well and add some pepper. If it's not warm enough, continue to cook on low a few minutes, but please don't forget to stir.
It is done.
If you do happen to burn it the first time you make it, carefully pour out what you have into another bowl… the burned parts should remain in the bowl and you can scrape them out into the trash. I never put a lot of noodles down the sink, since it can cause your disposal to clog.
If you make and freeze ahead of time, keep it in a tightly sealed container.
Let defrost in your fridge overnight and heat for about 5 minutes (depends on your microwave!)
Sometimes I add a little shredded cheese on top right before I take it off the stove!
So good, so very good. Add some broccoli if you want to add something healthy to it :P
Enjoy - Kerrie
You have probably seen on Pinterest how to keep your fruit/berries stay fresh longer. I have been doing it for a while, it works!! I hate when they go bad so quickly, what a waste of money!
I have done this several times and this is the way I do it:
For a bag of grapes:
1/2 cup Vinegar
4 cups water
1 Container of strawberries:
1/4 cup Vinegar
1 & 1/2 cups water
Small container of blackberries/blueberries:
2 Tablespoons of vinegar
Add water just to the top of your berries.

I put mine in a baggie so that I can grab and go during the week. I also leave some in a bowl in the fridge to make it a convenient snack!
Doing this makes my fruit last for about a week (blackberries last even longer!).

I leave it out all the time, doesn't bother me at all.
Hope this makes your life a little easier!
BROCCOLIHey just a quick post on a fast way to fix a favorite food- Broccoli!! I used to hate it but then I started to like it raw with ranch of course and I have slowly come to crave it- cooked..I guess its kind of sauteed but low temp. This is how I do it. I hope you love it as much as I do since its so good for you!!! Your heart will thank me! Actually the people I work for taught me how to cook it this way. Mitch likes it cooked so I am so glad to find this way we both love.
Benefits of eating Broccoli-
Broccoli is rich in vitamin A and C . Also has fiber, folic acid and calcium!
It is a great heart disease and cancer fighter!!!
Olive oil is heart healthy also!!
So easy-
1) Cut up broccoli into smaller bite size pieces. I don't leave much of the stem on for myself but Mitch likes it.
2) throw in a skillet on low temp with a little olive oil, pepper ( pepper is good for your immune system) add a little salt if you like. I like salt substitute myself.
3) Cook on low temp for about 10 to 12 minutes...we like it to be firm but not crunch and definitely not soggy.
That's it!!!!! So easy, so quick and soo good!!! I love this so much, we have it all the time. Add it to your meals regularly and enjoy the healthy benefits!!
Summertime Delight
Easy to make summertime (or anytime!) treat!
I modified this from something I saw on Pinterest!
8 oz of low-fat Dannon vanilla yogurt
8 oz light Cool Whip topping
Strawberries - Washed and cut into bite size pieces. Almost any fruit will work!A handful of granola.
I like things that are crunchy so the granola helped!
To make it healthier: Add a few dark chocolate chips or a small handful of chopped walnuts. Both, in small quantities daily are beneficial to your health!
I put mine in wine glasses. I rarely drink so I thought I should take the chance to use them! Plus it made it seem fancier.
I let them chill in the fridge for an hour. It tasted like yogurt with fruit but better, not as "dry" as some yogurts taste...fluffier...creamier...!
I hope you like it. I love things that satisfy my sweet tooth and are easy to make. Plus, with the yogurt, fruit and granola....You get to eat a bit of healthy with your dessert!
Hot dog muffins.
Summer is so busy so here's a quick recipe idea that I just tried. I took several versions and made it my own, following the advice of my twin, Kellie. Let's see if she reads my blogs!
See below..so quick..so tasty and freezable!
I shall call them, Little mini-dog's.
You will need:
Some hot dogs!
I used about 3 of these.
Note: I now buy all beef hot dogs!
Cornbread mix! (Don't forget you will need a egg with this one!)
Makes 6 muffins.
You can make homemade cornbread, but I've never tried it. I have always used this mix, so easy. Now healthy wise, I don't know if homemade is better..so I should probably look into that. But sometimes, convince is a big factor.
* Step 1
Brown hot dogs on the stove top if you wish. I prefer them cooked a little over done so this worked well for me.
* Step 2
Mix up the cornbread according to the directions
Step 3
Cut up the cooked (cool for a second!) hot dog into bite-sizes pieces. Don't forget to cut them in both directions for the little kids ok. Hot Dogs are a big chocking hazard.
* Throw the cut up hot dogs into the uncooked muffins and cook as directions state!
Now I wasn't sure what to have with these. I mean I like mustard on a hot dog and butter on cornbread..kind of of a quandary, ya know?!?! I just spread a little butter on top and enjoyed!
I hope you like these.
Make summer a blast and add this to your recipes so you can spend more time outside with the kids!
- Kerrie
Yummy dessert- A little healthy!
Hey I made this a while back and can't believe that I forgot to blog about it. It was soooo good and has some healthy benefits as well!
What you will need-
Graham Crackers
Dark chocolate chips
Whip Cream
Here's how I did it.
Break the graham crackers into individual squares a lay on a cookie sheet. (spraed ir very littly with pam)
Put about 6 or 7 Dark Chocolate Chips on each cracker.
Melt in the oven. I set my temp at 250 and kept a eye on them and when the chips started to look melt, I took it out. I think it was about 10 minutes, They won't look melted, they will just look softened. They are melted and you can spread them over your cracker with a spoon. Id test one after about 8 minutes, don't burn your chcolate..that's never a good thing!
As soon as you spread the chcolate over the crackers, add a spoonful of whip cream and spread it all over too.
Throw on a few walnuts.
Remover from the pan. Put wax paper on a freezer safe dish and put the crackers on top.
Freezer for at least 30 minutes (our freezer is weird so your timing may be diffrent)
When I am ready to eat one, I add a strawberry (cut in quarters) on top and enjoy!
I did some testing of this, and another way I did it was not to add the whipe cream and nuts before I froze. I liked them both ways but my other tester prefered the frozen whip cream. Try it both ways!
I love sweet potatoes! I didn't use to, but now I eat them a lot! They are good for you too; loaded with Vitamins A, C and E! Plus fiber, potassium, iron, magnesium and beta carotene… to name a few! What does that mean for you? Healthy for you and tastes good too!
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(I'm not a professional food photographer, in case you couldn't tell!!!) |
I use to eat sweet potatoes, mainly at holidays, the way everyone does… marshmallows/brown sugar, you get the idea. However, since I've learned they help lower my blood sugar, I've regularly been eating them. The way I traditionally cook them is this:
1) Clean the sweet potatoes.
2) Drizzle olive oil, pepper and salt on the outside. (Please not much salt, not good for you!!)
3) Wrap in foil and cook for two hours on 275 degrees. You should be able to poke your fork in easily, and they are done!
I love them this way; however, I have learned that the skins have the nutrients in them! (Thanks Sara!!) I couldn't eat the skin this way so I changed my method a little and made the skins a little easier to eat.
1) Clean the sweet potatoes.
2. Cut into thick chip like portions. I cut the ends off!
3.Drizzle olive oil, salt and pepper.
4) Wrap in foil.
5) Cook at 275 for about two hours (you may not need to cook as long, but my oven is hard to cook with since it is so old).
I cooked extra since they last a little bit as leftovers! Not sure exactly how long, but I've eaten them up to several days, and they are still great!
Sweet potatoes lower blood sugar (you've got to cook them the right way!)
The health benefits of pepper-
Olive Oil is good for you!
They are on Dr. Oz's Longevity list!
They sure are good, tell me if you try them this way!
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