Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Weight Loss Journey

Well, as you know, this has been a very, very long journey of mine. I am so  sad to not have a post for such a long time. I have been focusing on so many other things.

 I am very happy to report that I finally have found what is going to help me shed this weight for good. As you know the only thing that will help you lose weight and keep it off is a lifestyle change. I have learned so much through this time that I can't even begin to share it all right now. There is a book in my future and I will be blogging regularly about this again now.

When I was on WW, it really helped as you know. However, it is hard to follow. I never thought I would be a calorie counting person, however, I have lost 10 pds since starting this (1 month) and that is a good amount of weight loss per week. Some people lose it too fast and that is not healthy at all. Do most people take as long as I have been?? Of course not. Don't ever ask me when I started this journey because I may cry!! However, UN-doing a life of bad habits with no nutritional training is not easy to do. I am actually a very healthy person, just have to get this weight off and I will be even more so. You already know if you read my blogs how much confidence I have, this is not about that, although I am sure it will improve even more!! Watch out world!!!

  Do I recommend everyone do this?? No way. It isn't the healthiest way to live for sure. You need to eat "normal" foods for the most part. You see (I will write more about this later) but what I am learning, is some of these foods that I am eating so save calories, have other things in them that aren't good for you. Yes, everything seems to be good and bad for you (don't Google anything unless you are ready to get totally confused about what is good and what is bad for you!!). If a food has lower fat, it may have higher salt. Things of this nature. This may be common knowledge to you reading and you may be thinking "OK has she never learned anything?" but we didn't eat very healthy growing up, since I was home schooled I never had any nutrition class and so this has been a process. I am still learning and will share as a go. The point is, this is what is working for me. The good thing is too that a lot of the bad foods are high in calorie so they stay off my plate, for the most part. I will counting to count calories and blog about this. I know I have found my path now. I will not quit.  Please watch my Face book page and my blog for more healthy recipes, OK maybe some aren't the healthiest but for the most part, they will be. I will keep posting low calorie foods on my page as well. I am sorry for those who cheer me on and I have failed so many times, but really, this is for me and my future baby, I am doing it for her/him. As much as I have learned, to not be on blood pressure med anymore (been over a year!) and to live the lifestyle that I now live, I guess I haven't failed too much.....I plan to lose at least 60 pds by Christmas....


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